Grey’s Anatomy (TV Series 2005)
Follows the personal and professional lives of a group of doctors at Seattle’s Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. The first season introduces the main character, Meredith Grey, as she enrolls in…
Expats (TV Shows 2024)
Set against the complex tapestry of Hong Kong residents, a multifaceted group of women sets off a chain of life-altering events that leaves everyone navigating the intricate balance between blame…
The Devil Judge (TV Series 2021)
The court system is corrupted and old-fashioned. People desire a new system that can satisfy the crowds. However, are the crowds always correct? The drama shows how judges discover the…
Doom Patrol (TV Series 2019)
The Doom Patrol’s members each suffered horrible accidents that gave them superhuman abilities — but also left them scarred and disfigured. Traumatized and downtrodden, the team found purpose through The…
Queenmaker (TV Shows 2023)
After a tragic accident, a powerful fixer uses her skills to transform a civil rights lawyer into the next mayor — and take down her former employer.