Season 2 of Doom Patrol premiered on June 25, 2020 | 9 Episodes. In season two, the members of the Doom Patrol now find themselves mini-sized and stranded on Cliff’s…
Season 1 of For All Mankind premiered on November 1, 2019 | 10 Episodes. NASA is in crisis as the Soviets land the first man on the moon in 1969,…
Piper plays the field. Caputo tries to get ahead of a scandal. Daya sends Taystee on a mission. Nicky finds romance.
An overlooked detail provides Hart and Cohle with an important new lead in their 17-year-old case.
Hart and Cohle call a truce to investigate a series of disappearances that may be related to the Dora Lange murder and the Tuttle family.
Former Louisiana State CID partners Martin Hart and Rustin Cohle give separate statements to a pair of investigators about the murder of a prostitute, Dora Lange, 17 years earlier. As…